Plastic Surgery Thailand

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Wet Liposuction

There are two different liposuction technique but let’s focus first in wet solution technique. The following are under wet solution technique.

  • Wet Liposuction

The wet solution used in this technique has smaller volume than the amount of fat in the body. It requires general anesthetic and results in significant amount of blood loss. The blood loss is about one quarter.

  • Super Wet Liposuction

In this technique, surgeon applies great amount of fluids that matches the amount of fat being removed. The volume is about 1 to 1 ration which reduces the amount of blood suctioned from the body. It is used for high level fat removal.

  • Tumescent Liposuction

In this technique, surgeon injects high volume solution that will swell the fat cells. Your surgeon will make one or more small incisions that allow small cannulas to be used and the fat will suctioned at slower pace.

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