Plastic Surgery Thailand

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Mid Facelift

Middle Facelift
As the name goes, the Middle facelift focuses on the central part of the face specifically the checks and mouth. It does the reverse part of the lower facelift. In middle facelift it repositions fat in the cheeks that has slipped while the lower facelift removes the fat. Middle facelift is effective in removing deep set wrinkle around the mouth and below the nose.

In doing the middle facelift, an endoscopic approach is the most preferred technique used by plastic surgeon. They make two small incisions in the hairline and use small cameras to guide the surgery without lifting the skin away from the muscle. The surgeon inserts the camera and working downwards towards the mouth lift the tissue inside the cheeks. The fats are pulled upwards and make small incision inside the mouth. By doing that your skin will look rounder and wrinkles will look smoother. It also help improves the bags under your eyes making it more unnoticeable.

Not all patients are suitable for all middle facelift and endoscopy. Facelift surgery with incisions made above the ear and in the lower eyelid surgery. Middle facelift is often combined with eyelid lift surgery or what so called blepharoplasty to show more amazing results.

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